Our Aims and Values
People using our services are always at the centre of our planning, and services are constructed and delivered according to their needs. All care plans are developed in conjunction with the person using the service and in collaboration with others who may be involved in providing care and support alongside us. Plans are user focused and outcome driven.
- We aim to be seen as the best local provider of services and to be seen as the best local care employer.
- We as an organisation value diversity and all people equally.
- We believe that all people have rights but alongside those rights there are responsibilities.
- We as an organisation providing services shall operate with integrity and honesty in all our dealings.
- We shall support and encourage all our staff to operate by the same standards.
We expect all our employees to uphold the following values;
- That every service user is an individual with individual needs.
- We promote their independence by personalising their care and support needs whilst encouraging our service users to do as much as possible for themselves.
- Enabling people to remain in a home of their choice.
- We make sure that every service user has the same human rights as every other individual.
- Championing Dignity - Every service user has their dignity respected by ensuring their particular needs are met in a dignified manner.
- They are shown the respect that would be expected to be given to any member of your own family or friends.
- We do our best to protect their privacy by keeping them from intrusion or unwelcome attention.
- Choice and control is given on a daily basis by allowing the service user the right to choose what they want to eat or wear.
- We work in partnership with everyone who is involved in the service user’s care including family, friends, district nurses, social workers etc.
In 2007, Putting People First set out the Government’s vision for transforming adult social care. The vision commits to moving away from a paternalistic system of variable quality to a system that promotes choice, control and independence for every individual.
The company has since committed to reviewing all aspects of its services to identify and change any practices which can be enhanced for the benefit of the individuals we care for and support. The company will continue each year to continuously improve its service, and the personalised manner in which we deliver our services.