SOS Homecare Logo

Head Office:

01744 757564


SOS Training delivers training for internal employees. Our training services are delivered face-to-face to meet the diverse needs of our employees and customers. Our training is managed and led by our Training Manager, Ross Taylor, who is an experienced trainer in health and social care courses. Below is further information on the facilities we have and the courses we offer.


Our training suites situated at each of our offices in St.Helens, Warrington and Crewe, offer us the ability to provide training for our care and support worker's whenever we or they require it. With access to a LCD Screen display, Projector, laptop and a library of training materials, we can offer bespoke training delivered through different mediums to suit the attendees and the organisation concerned.

Internal Training

All SOS Homecare employees undertake a comprehensive induction, prior to delivering any care or support, covering the 15 Care Certificate Standards. The induction consists of the following courses:

  • Roles and Responsibilities (Standards 1 & 2)
  • Principles and Values of Care (Standards 3,4,5,6 & 7)
  • Fluids, Nutrition and Food Hygiene (Standard 8)
  • Dementia, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities (Standard 9)
  • Safeguarding of Adults (Standard 10)
  • Safeguarding of Children (Standard 11)
  • Basic Life Support (Standard 12)
  • Health & Safety (Standard 13)
  • Handling Information (Standard 14)
  • Infection Control (Standard 15)

In addition we also provide additional courses during the induction, that are above and beyond the Care Certificate:

  • Pressure Sores
  • Manual Handling
  • Medication
  • Continence and Stoma Care
  • Diabetes
  • Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Following the completion of their Care Certificate we encourage all employees to progress on to their Diploma in Health & Social Care (Level 2 or 3). The company has a strong commitment to the development of our employees and believes it is integral to the quality of services delivered to those individuals we care and support.